Previously, Atchi -having snuck out into the woods- discovers a hidden box of comic books that seem to tell the story of the village, but all the names of the villagers have been changed. Before he can investigate further, Atchi is caught by the search party and brought back to the village, where his father, Tosu has been attacked and has lost his special mental ability! The next day, Atchi asks his friends, Eena and Fib to go back out to the forest and retrieve the comic books. At first they refuse, but later sneak out and find the comics. When they return to the village, they discover a second villager has been attacked. The next morning, the Great Councilor recounts to the youth of their parents' Ascent, when the village was betrayed, and all the adults were murdered by the traitor Nardo!
Oren's pages by Kenan Rubenstein